International Journal of Veterinary Science and Research Submit Manuscript
    Research Article

    Study on tapeworm infection in bovine calves of Bardibas Municipality, Mahottari

    DOI Logo 10.17352/ijvsr.000107

    Published On: February 25, 2022 | Pages: 023 - 026

    Author(s): Neupane Dikpal*, Sedhai Damodar and Singh Upendra Man
    Abstract View Full Article View    

    Risk factors influencing the occurrence of anthrax outbreaks at the Livestock-Game interface in Katunguru, Rubirizi district, Uganda

    DOI Logo 10.17352/ijvsr.000106

    Published On: January 29, 2022 | Pages: 015 - 022

    Author(s): Nannozi BK, Kebirungi P, Asiimwe, Mweheire I, Ademun AR, Mugaya H, Ndyamgayo G, Ndyanabo S, Ayebazibwe C, Nizeyimana G, Okuthe S and Magona JW*
    Abstract View Full Article View    

    Effect of camel milk and its derivatives on triglycerides and cholesterol level in alloxan-induced diabetic rabbits

    DOI Logo 10.17352/ijvsr.000105

    Published On: January 20, 2022 | Pages: 011 - 014

    Author(s): Sahar A Elhassan, Awad M Babeker, Mohammed Alhadi Ebahiem* and Sallam A Bakhiet
    Abstract View Full Article View    

    Effect of fresh and fermented camel milk and colostrums on body weight and blood glucose level in alloxan-induced diabetic rabbits

    DOI Logo 10.17352/ijvsr.000103

    Published On: January 04, 2022 | Pages: 001 - 004

    Author(s): Sahar A Elhassan, Awad M Babeker, Mohammed Alhadi Ebahiem* and Sallam A Bakhiet
    Abstract View Full Article View    
    Review Article

    Review on the epidemiology of Bovine Rotavirus and its public health significance

    DOI Logo 10.17352/ijvsr.000104

    Published On: January 05, 2022 | Pages: 005 - 010

    Author(s): Abebe Garoma Gichile*
    Abstract View Full Article View    
    Mini Review

    Pacific bioscience sequence technology: Review

    DOI Logo 10.17352/ijvsr.000108

    Published On: March 29, 2022 | Pages: 027 - 033

    Author(s): Abde Aliy Mohammed*, Bayeta Senbeta and Takale Worku
    Abstract View Full Article View    

